
Epsom & Ewell foodbank numbers up by 13%

24th April 2018

Today the Trussell Trust announced their latest annual figures of foodbank users, sadly it has gone up. As a local foodbank with 5 centres in Surrey, over the same period we saw our figures rise by over 13%.

What does this mean? It means that the demand for foodbank use is constantly growing and it is not acceptable. What more can we do to address the rising issue? Why is there such an increasing need?

Will we be able to sustain these increases, recognising that Universal Credit is not officially being rolled out until October 18 in our communities?

Are we just a sticking plaster on an issue, how can we get to the roots of the problem?

Similarly to our foodbank numbers, our furniture project has continued to grow with 350 items given out by us to those in need this year already.

Can you support us as we look to address the root of the problem and not just continue to feed the fruit?


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